Arbitration and settlements
Arbitration and settlements generally include settlement between different parties under dispute. In arbitration, the arguments of all the parties are heard and a decision is given to resolve the dispute amicably and come to a final settlement.
We help clients settle their disputes, maybe within the family, between partners or third parties by acting as an independent mediator. We help them to come to an amicable decision or settlement.
There are various business processes which may be given to third parties for execution. This helps the organisation reduce the cost of operations and utilization of the services of professionals. Thus they can devote more time to focus on Business activities, thereby increasing profits.
The activities generally being outsourced include account opening form, evaluation of loan document, pay roll processing, accounting services, claims processing, liaison with various authorities, etc. Presently various industries such as Banking, Insurance, Broking, Stock Exchanges and other corporates are already outsourcing their Business Processes.
We assist clients by taking over some of their business processes, thereby relieving the organisation from non-core business activities
Financial Planning & Investments
Like the share market index, life is also uncertain. But one cannot afford uncertain returns. Today, investment solutions are available in the market, such as equities, commodities, derivatives, mutual funds, bonds, property, etc. One needs to invest smartly by balancing the 2 R's, i.e. Risk and Reward.
We assist you by offering you the best investment solution based on your profile, thereby reducing the risk, and maximizing the returns.
Life Insurance
Just as no one can say I don't love my family, one cannot say that I don't need life insurance. Today, with so many insurance companies and various products like Whole Life, Endowment, Money Back, Unit Link Plans, Term, etc, a client often gets confused.
Based on the HLV (Human Life Value) concept, we assist the client in selecting the best product suitable to his need, using our in-depth knowledge and unbiased approach. After all, life insurance is essential not because you will die, but because they (family) have to live.
General Insurance
Insurance is a process where one indemnifies oneself against the losses in the event of any unfortunate event (terrorism, flood, earthquake, theft & burglary, etc). Every individual and businessman needs it. An individual needs to insure his various assets such as car, house, jewellery, gadgets, etc. A businessman needs to insure his assets such as stocks, debtors, furniture & fixtures, property, plant & machinery, etc.
Today, the Indian market is dominated by many Insurance Companies, and more and more competition will enter the market.With IRDA now de-tariffing the industry, different insurance companies will quote different premiums.
With our professional approach and sound knowledge on the subject, we ably assist you not only in choosing the appropriate product, but help you save money.
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